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What is Your "Jar of Oil?"

Are you financially challenged? Having more bills or commitments than you have resources? Are you speaking to the mountain of debt, but it is not moving?

Financial challenges are real!! And the enemy aims to keep us in financial bondage to distract or hinder us from our purpose. We can be distracted by economic needs, demands, and desires that seem urgent and cause us to lose sight of our mission.

In 2 Kings 4:1-7, we see the story of the widow and her sons, with a severe financial challenge. She was afraid of losing her sons to slavery because she owed money to a creditor. In that time, it was the practice for persons to be imprisoned/enslaved when they could not pay their debt or their children were imprisoned/enslaved, which is what happens to persons now spiritually. "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender." Proverbs 22:7 We may not be in physical prisons, but financial challenges will cause limitations that greatly hinder our purpose and impact all areas of our lives.

The widow went to the prophet Elisha to share her financial story and seek help. Elisha said, "Tell me, what do you have in the house?" She said, "your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil." Between this widow and her sons, all they had in their life was a jar of oil.

What is it friends, that you have not considered of value or instrumental in getting you out of poverty? What do you have in your "house," your life that God will show you how to use to create wealth? What are the talents, abilities, and skills that you have not considered? "We have the power to create wealth." ‎Deuteronomy 8:18 NIV.

This jar of oil was enough for God to bring financial deliverance to the widow. What do you have that God can use to bring deliverance to you and your family?

Seeing what she had, Elisha proceeded to tell her how to use it (2 Kings 4:3-4). Elisha said, "Go borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors - empty vessels; do not gather just a few." He told her to get as many as she could. Likewise, God is saying to persons with financial issues; identify those vessels around you that are "empty," those who need what you have; tap into the market for your "oil."

Once you have identified what it is that you have that you can use to get out of poverty, seek God's guidance on to use your "oil" and tap into the "vessels" that can receive what you have to offer. Elisha said to the widow "And when you have collected all the vessels go into your house and shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the full ones." Friends when you have identified that which you already have that God can use to deliver you, shut the door; focus and work the idea and fill the vessels/your orders.

Elisha's instructions may sound crazy and impossible; how could little yield so much? Our God is in the business of making the impossible possible. The widow exercised faith and was obedient. Elisha did not ask her to sow a seed in the prophetic school, he did not tell her the oil was a seed, and she should sow it to get her breakthrough; NO! he gave her divine knowledge which set her free.

When the widow reported the miracle to Elisha, he said, "Go, sell the oil, and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest." God is demonstrating that he gives the power to create wealth with what we already have. God taught them how to prosper and sustain wealth.

Friends, God will always provide for us. But often, He asks us to step out in faith and be obedient. God will show his greatness in whatever we have like he did for the widow; it was only God that could have made that little oil work; just like he can make what you have work, despite how insignificant it may seem to you. "….. remember that it is the LORD your God who gives you the power to gain wealth."

Be willing to have the faith that God will provide. Surrender what you have, to be used for His glory and His purposes. "What is your Jar of Oil?"

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