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The Prayer Of Jabez

It's a simple but passionate prayer:

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and You would keep me from evil, that I might not cause pain!' So God granted him what he requested." I Chronicles 4:10.

Jabez's prayer was not long; Jabez prayed a prayer that was so simple but powerful; he recognized that his life was one full of pain because of his name. Jabez prayed a concise but passionate prayer full of desperation for his circumstances to change. Jabez did not want to live under a cloud of his name, and he reached out to God in prayer. "And Jabez called on the God of Israel."

His prayer broke barriers and limits; Jabez wanted more than where he was or where his name would take him. In praying for an extension of territory, Jabez expressed the desire for more and declared hope in God. When Jabez asked for an extension of his territory, he asked for an extension beyond pain.

My friend, would you pray like Jabez and ask for an extension of your territory beyond your situation. "Oh Lord, that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory beyond the pain of my bloodline, beyond the pain of prayerlessness, ignorance, immaturity, infirmity, poverty, barrenness, stagnation, depression, passivity, sadness, fear, rejection, failure, shame, and dishonor so that I may fulfill my God ordained purpose in Jesus Name. Amen"

Jabez's prayer acknowledged the sovereignty of God; Jabez knew that only God had the knowledge, power, and strength to honour his request. Jabez's prayer was also a prayer in humility that recognized the necessity of God in the believer's life; only God could extend Jabez's territory, and only God could ensure that no evil came to Jabez.

My friend, would you pray like Jabez? Would you ask God to extend your territory and the territory of others; would you pray like Jabez, who recognized where he was and what he was born into? It may appear that we do not have control over many circumstances in life, including our bloodline. However, we have control over reaching out to God in prayer. We can pray and ask God for an extension of our territories out of the bondage and unfavourable expectations of our foundation and bloodline.

God extended the territory of Abraham by bringing him out of the Ur of the Chaldees and made him the father of many nations; God extended the territory of Hezekiah and added more years to his life after he prayed. God extended the territory of David and took him from the pastures tending sheep to the palace. God is capable of expanding the borders of every area of our lives so that we can full fill our purpose. Would you dare to pray like Jabez?

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