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Spiritual Fasting

Spiritual Fasting is defined as intentionally abstaining from food for a specific period to focus our thoughts on God.

Types of Fasting

Full fast - abstaining from food and all distracting activities completely for a specific period. The individual only consumes water or clear liquids.

Absolute Fast, sometimes called the “Esther Fast”- totally omitting all food and liquid for a specific period. (Requires a high level of faith and Spiritual discipline).

Daniel Fast – Pattern after the diet Daniel followed where meat, sweets, and bread are removed from your diet and water and juice are consumed for fluids and fruits and vegetables for food.

Partial Fast - omitting some foods or some activity for a specific period. Sometimes called the "Jewish Fast" especially when done from "sun up to sundown." Persons may choose to abstain from food for a certain meal. E.g., fasting from breakfast and lunch but have dinner.

If new to incorporating fasting into your spiritual walk with God, we suggest starting with a partial fast and fast one meal a day gradually build on your faith in God as you incorporate the discipline into your lifestyle.As we examine the activities that God requires us to engage in during the fast we realize that God expects us to also abstain from “regular” activities as well during the period of the fast.

This draws our attention to what is now called the “Soul Fast” – where persons abstain for those activities that they have an "ungodly soul tie" to; those activities that hinder your time with God. This allows persons to allow the Holy Spirit to speak directly to them and revive their minds.

Persons may choose to stop using social media or watching television for the duration of the fast and then carefully reintroduce these elements back into their life in a healthy way.

A true spiritual fast is more than just abstaining from food but more abstaining from feeding the desires of the flesh. Spiritual fasting is a time of "shut-in" with God for a spiritual feast on His Word.

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