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Soul Ties

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

•A soul tie is that spiritual/emotional connection that may develop between persons due to intimate contact or interaction. Emotional bonds are formed and an attachment is created.

• The soul tie maybe sexual or romantic; or an attachment to a place, or thing. Persons can become overly attached to pets, possessions, job, television or social media or anything else imaginable.

“…You are a slave to whatever controls you” (2 Peter 2:19 NLT).

Do you turn the television on as you enter the house? Do you reach for your phone as soon as you wake up? Does your on screen presence reflect the majority of your day and it is not job related? Do you need to know the every move of someone in your life? Are you still day dreaming about pass lovers/friendships? Do you have that BFF that you feel "incomplete" without them around? Do you find it difficult to connect to other persons in a health relationship because of person/s in your past?

If you answer YES to any of the above you have an ungodly soul tie.

•"They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise!" (Romans 1:25 NLT)

Ungodly soul ties are based on control or lust and can be formed through

– Fornication/adultery

– negative family ties

– Evil Friends

– Abortion/Hypnosis

The bottom line is that :

We are created to need an intimate relationship with God and are truly fulfilled when we are in union with Him.

•Any desire or love that hinders us from doing the will of God is an inordinate, or lustful, affection and forms an ungodly soul tie.

As we strive for that intimate relationship with God we must sever/cut all ungodly soul ties by renouncing the sin that cause them in the first place; forgiving those that hurt you or those that you are connected to in an ungodly way; renouncing the ungodly relationship; confess your freedom in Christ by applying the Word of God over your life; rededicate yourself to God. Remember as a member of the "Church" you are the "bride" of Christ and our souls can not be illegally yoke to another.

•When our relationships function as God intended, we are submitted to Him, in spirit, soul, and body. We then experience the peace of His presence and abide in Him.

Severing ungodly soul ties do not mean we do not love people or that we do not want to associate with them; it means that we want good wholesome friendships and we are giving God the authority to ensure that the devil can not manipulate or control our relationships so that we may "Live Free."

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