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Jehovah is His Name....

The Bible uses different names of God to convey specific, personal meaning and identity of different aspects of God's Character. The name of the Lord is like a strong tower; the righteous can run to it and be saved.

Elohim: Creator: Genesis 1:1.

Jehovah: The covenant name of God; our Father. Numbers 23:19.

El-Shaddai: God is the All-Sufficient, Almighty. Genesis 17:1

Adonai: Master or Lord. Deuteronomy 11:1.

Jehovah-Jireh: Provider and my vision. Genesis 22:14.

Jehovah-Rophe: My healer. Exodus 15:26.

Jehovah-Nissi: My victory. Exodus 17:15.

Jehovah-Mikkadesh: My sanctifier. Leviticus 20: 7.

Jehovah-Tsidkenou: My righteousness. Jeremiah 23:5.

Jehovah-Shalom: My peace (fullness). Judges 6:24

Jehovah-Tsebahoth: God of Hosts. 1 Samuel 1:3

Jehovah-Heleyon: God most High. Psalm 7:17.

Jehovah-Rohi: My Shepherd. Psalm 23:1.

Jehovah- Shamah: He is there; He is present. Ezekiel 48:35.

Jehovah-Elohay: God my God. Deuteonomy 10:7.

I am that I am: Exodus 3:14.

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