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Fourth Prayer Watch: Prayer Decrees

Prayer Decrees for this Prayer Watch

Father, I confess my sins and those of my ancestors and I thank you for redeeming me and my bloodline by the Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ. He who was Blessed became a curse and hung upon a tree so that we who were cursed might be redeemed. (Galatians 3:13)

Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!) Because of Jesus Christ, I am Blessed, fortunate, prosperous, and favoured by God. Lord, I fear You with awe-inspired reverence and worships You with obedience, delighting greatly in Your commandments.

My descendants will be mighty on earth, and they will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in our house, our righteousness endures forever.

Light arises in every area of darkness in my life. Thank You, Lord, for making my way gracious, compassionate and righteous.

My affairs are conducted with justice. I shall give freely to the poor; I will not fear bad news; and my heart is steadfast, trusting confidently, relying on and believing in the Lord.

My heart is upheld by the Lord, I will not fear but will look with satisfaction on my adversaries.

I will never be shaken, and I will be remembered forever; my righteousness endures forever; and my horn will be exalted in honour, in Jesus Name. Amen

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