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Prayer to Break the Covenants of soul ties

Updated: Jun 22

By the Power in the Blood of Jesus, I reject and disconnect my body, soul, and spirit from anyone with whom I have had any relationship in the past or present, whether in dreams or in the physical, who is negatively affecting my life now in the powerful Name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

By the Power in the Blood of Jesus, I reject and disconnect my body, soul, and spirit from any activity to which I have had an addiction in the past or present, whether in dreams or in the physical, that is negatively affecting my life now in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.

By the Power in the Blood of Jesus, I reject and disconnect my body, soul, and spirit from any person I have partnered with in sinful activity in the past or present, whether in dreams or in the physical, that is negatively affecting my life now in the Name of Jesus Christ.

In the Name of the Lord, I hold the Blood of Jesus against any connection with these activities or persons and against any evil covenants forged over my life, well-being, and marriage in Jesus's magnificent Name. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I lose myself and my family from any ungodly spirit of any man or woman who may be connected to me with a soul tie connection or bond, yoked with me physically or spiritually, or causing my family harm or impeding forward movement and progress in our lives.

According to God's Word, light and darkness cannot coexist; therefore, by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I separate my spirit, soul, and body from every evil spirit from the world of darkness, and I command them to depart from my life forever in the Name of Jesus Christ.

"And it shall come to pass in that day, declares the Lord of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off your neck, and I will burst your bonds," Jeremiah 30:8. I place a demand on this Word. By the power and blood of the Lamb of God, I release myself from any collective family, community, neighborhood, or workplace captivity that has imprisoned me, my marriage, or stifled my destiny.

By the fire of the Holy Spirit, I resurrect my fate today, and in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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