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How It Got Started

When we give our lives to Christ, we are told that as long as we live good lives; no fornication or adultery, no lies etc. and do the right things all will be well!  Yes, we know the afflictions of the righteous are much, but the Word of God did say we would be delivered from them ALL!  So how is it that we may still be bound and the afflictions may seem never ending?

Have you ever made the statement “something must be wrong” in reference to your life? Have you ever had questions and there was no one to give you answers that made sense or practical solutions to the challenges that you face as a Christian?  Have you ever wondered why it appear that there is more adversity in your life compared to other people? Do you feel as if your life is an endless cycle of failure or stagnation?

My answer to each of the above questions was YES!  We recognize that believers in Jesus Christ can walk in the victory, but many do not do so.  Many times, this is because of afflictions and oppression of the enemy, wounds from the past or other inhibitors which are not of God.

The Living Free Foundation Deliverance Ministry was birth out of my personal experiences and the search for answers to address the challenges in my life.  God provided the answers and gave me knowledge and understanding of the application of His word as it relates to everyday life. 

The Living Free Foundation Deliverance Ministry is a Nondenominational Christian Ministry established with a focus on the advancement of God's kingdom here on Earth.  As I walk in the freedom that Jesus died to secure for us, I have a zeal to share with others.  ​The goal of this blog site is to provide Biblical principles in a real and practical way to help others overcome their struggles and “live free.”  “through knowledge shall the just be delivered.” Proverb 9:11b

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